How do I change the region on an Airport Express?

I purchased two of the current model Airport Expresses while I was in the US a few months ago. Now that I'm back in Australia, the only options I have when setting the country in Wireless Options are in the Americas. How can I get the Airport Express to allow me to change the region to Asia-Pacific, which would allow me to select Australia as the Country?

Note: The reason I want to set the Country is that I've been having reception problems, so I want to be able to ensure that my WiFi setup is running on the right channels for other "Australian-configured" WiFi gear.

You need to do a firmware reset (factory default) – see

Beforehand, ensure:

  1. the mac through which you will be setting up the Airport Express (ie by use of Airport Utility) is set to Australia in its preferences (e.g. on MacOS these are System Preferences/International/Format and System Preferences/Date & Time/Time Zone).

  2. the Airport Express can connect to the internet within Australia, at the time of first set up after resetting the firmware back to factory defaults.

I believe the firmware attempts to determine its location on first setup (either via the IP address it sees on initial connection, or off the computer), which it then writes into its firmware.