MAC OS for Intel based PCs [closed]

I have an Intel dual core PC with 4GB of RAM and Graphics card. For on of my student Assignment I need to install Latest possible MAC OS on my system as a secondary OS.

Like on boot it asks me that which OS i want to boot with Win 8.1 or Mac Os..

I searched on the internet and found two conflicting opinion some people said there are few MAC OS Version which can be directly installed on Intel PCs some says there aren't?

  • I am here to get rid of the confusion that is an official latest possible MAC OS version for Intel based PCs?
  • If not what are my options if I want to run MAC OS on my PC.

Please not that Virtualization options won’t work for me, it has to be working as full OS not an os inside another.

Solution 1:

There's no Apple release of OSX which you can install on a non-Apple machine. You can sometimes set up a Hackintosh system, though. See I haven't tried building a Hackintosh system, but my understanding is that it is flaky even if you take great pains to ensure you have only fully-supported hardware.

Solution 2:

There is one legal way in which to do this:

  1. Sell the "dual core PC with 4GB of RAM and Graphics card"
  2. Buy a Mac. Install OS X (native) and windows (use bootcamp).

There is no legal way for you to install OS X on non-Mac hardware.

For non-legal ways search on hackintosh, but no prof. will ask you to do this unless it is an ethics test.