Karate summary reports not showing all tested features after upgrade to 1.0.0

What it displays instead was the last tested feature file only.

This is because for each time you run a JUnit method, the reports directory is backed up by default. Look for other directories called target/karate-reports-<timestamp> and you may find your reports there. So maybe what is happening is that you have multiple JUnit tests that are all running, so you see this behavior. You may be able to over-ride this behavior by calling the method: .backupReportDir(false) on the builder. But I think it may not still work - because the JUnit runner has changed a little bit. It is designed to run one method at a time, when you are in local / dev-mode.

So the JUnit runner is just a convenience. You should use the Runner class / builder for CI execution, and when you want to run multiple tests and see them in one report: https://stackoverflow.com/a/65578167/143475

Here is an example: ExamplesTest.java

But in case there is a bug in the JUnit runner (which is quite possible) please follow the process and help the project developers replicate and then fix the issue to release as soon as possible.