Creating system sounds

Solution 1:

Sound themes are located in /usr/share/sounds/ , there should be 2 real themes "ubuntu" and "freedesktop".

Now copy one of those 2 directories to ~/.local/share/sounds/, change its name and change the name in the index.theme file. If you are not that linux-savy to copy directories from root ownership to your home folder and change ownership to urself, you could alternatively download the freedesktop theme here: and put it to ~/.local/share/sounds/

Now you are good to go, exchange soundfiles with whatever you like. Make sure to keep the names of files and the .ogg format.

To change the soundtheme, install dconf-editor, open dconf-editor and change value org.gnome.desktop.sound.theme-name to the name of your new theme. Done.

You might need to logout and back in to activate the change in sound theme.

Have Fun.