Increase sensitivity of Trackpad?

I currently have the sensitivity level to the max, but I still feel its kind of slow for my liking. Is there a way I can make the trackpad on my rMBP even more sensitive ?

Solution 1:

The setting in System Preferences changes the key in ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences. You can also edit it manually:

defaults write -g -float 5.0

The normal minimum and maximum values are 0.0 and 3.0. You have to log out and back in to apply the changes. Moving the slider in System Preferences resets the setting.

Solution 2:

Absolutety, I'm using Better Touch Tool for a very long time now, and I can't imagine using my Magic Mouse or Touchpad without it anymore. The maximum pointer speed provided by OS X is simply not sufficient (especially for the Magic Mouse). And there's so much more you can do with the hardware (lots of options in the tool).