amavis cronjob throwing an error out of nowhere

Can someone explain why amavis cronjob is suddenly trowing the following error?

Cron <amavis@bee> test -e /usr/sbin/amavisd-new-cronjob && /usr/sbin/amavisd-new-cronjob sa-sync

rules: failed to run T_SPF_HELO_PERMERROR test, skipping:
    (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_helo_permerror" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at (eval 1156) line 19.
rules: failed to run T_SPF_TEMPERROR test, skipping:
    (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_temperror" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at (eval 1156) line 614.
rules: failed to run T_SPF_PERMERROR test, skipping:
    (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_permerror" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at (eval 1156) line 784.
rules: failed to run T_SPF_HELO_TEMPERROR test, skipping:
    (Can't locate object method "check_for_spf_helo_temperror" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at (eval 1156) line 1129.

I am not even sure what that cronjob does, but is worked for 2 weeks now without a problem. No configuration changes have been made in this time.

The server was set up fresh, and worked fine (and still does work fine btw.) ;)

Solution 1:

It appears that some checks that weren't supposed to be released into all update streams have been. See eg for more details, but that the upshot is that the errors should go away following the next update after the errant rule(s) have been pulled.

Edit: yes, this has been confirmed by one of the developers. From (eg)[email protected]/msg91187.html , dated 2015-02-09:

It was part of a commit on Jan 30,, that likely needs a has_ function for a can() if encapsulation if you aren't using the latest trunk to avoid warnings.

Working on a patch now and a fix to the rules.

2nd edit: according to this email, the problem is now fixed:

Rule gen just finished and the update does include the fix if you want to confirm.

Regards, KAM

I've just done an sa-update -D && service spamassassin restart, and the error's gone for me (running SA 3.3.1 on C6).