Lambda expression not returning expected MemberInfo

Take the type of the expression's (first) parameter, and say

Expression<Func<C, string>> c = x => x.B; 
Type paramType = c.Parameters[0].Type;  // first parameter of expression
var d = paramType.GetMember((c.Body as MemberExpression).Member.Name)[0];

What I'm looking for is a way to get the MemberInfo from a lambda expression as if I had used reflection on the type of the parameter to get the MemberInfo.

That's not a service that expression tree conversions on lambdas were designed to provide. If you're going to use a feature "off label" then you might not get the results that you want.

The purpose of expression trees is to proffer up the compiler's semantic analysis of the expression in a form amenable to analysis at runtime, rather than compile time for the purpose of constructing query objects that can be remoted over to databases.

The compiler's correct semantic analysis is that Name is declared as a property of Base and invoked on an instance of Derived, so that's exactly the information that you get out of the resulting expression tree.

Nice question. I use some other names to make it clearer.

public class Base
    public string Name { get; set; }
public class Derived : Base { }

//in Main
var parentMember = typeof(Base).GetMember("Name")[0];
var childMember = typeof(Derived).GetMember("Name")[0];

Expression<Func<Base, string>> parentExp = x => x.Name;
var parentExpMember = (parentExp.Body as MemberExpression).Member;

Expression<Func<Derived, string>> childExp = x => x.Name;
var childExpMember = (childExp.Body as MemberExpression).Member;

parentMember == childMember  //false, good
parentMember == parentExpMember  //true, good
childMember == childExpMember   //false, why?

When debugging you will find childExpMember.ReflectedType is Base, while childMember.ReflectedType is Derived. AFAIK DeclaringType shows where the member is declared, while ReflectedType shows where the member is reflected to (because of inheritance/overriding/etc). So I think it's a bug (no official confirmation).