Total achievement points for Diablo 3?
Solution 1:
There is a total of 450 achievements (including Feats of Strength) in Diablo III (currently, they might add more later in expansions).
Feats of Strength give you 0 points and there are 9 of them. Twelve achievements give you 20 points each. The rest (429) gives you 10 points each.
Therefore: 9 * 0 + 20 * 12 + 10 * 429 = 4530
points in total.
Out of the 4530 points, however, there are class specific achievements which obviously you can't all get on one class.
- Barbarian: 12 achievments (120 points)
- Demon Hunter: 14 achievements (140 points)
- Monk: 10 achievements (100 points)
- Witch Doctor: 10 achievements (100 points)
- Wizard: 12 achievements (120 points)
The achievements are shared across all your characters on the same account, so you don't have to get them again when you create a new char (unlike WoW, mumbling....)