Is "SSA triangle problems may have zero or two solutions." an ambiguous statement?

A test I took included the question

True or false: SSA triangle problems may have zero or two solutions.

SSA triangles, as was taught in the lesson, can have zero solutions, one solution, or two solutions.

I was unsure if the question asked if zero and two solutions were possibilities with SSA triangles, or if SSA triangles were limited to zero or two solutions. I went with the former (that is, answered True) and got it wrong.

Is it just me, or is the test-question ambiguous?

"Zero or two solutions" suggests to me (I have a maths/physics background) that there can be only zero or two solutions - like a quadratic equation.

The question is not ambiguous.

(True or False) SSA triangles can have zero or two solutions.

  • If your answer is true, then you mean the cardinality of the solution set can be zero or two. There is a possibility that either of these could be the value. It's equally possible that neither is.
  • If your answer is false, then neither 0 nor 2 can ever be the cardinality. To give another example, consider (True or false) The number of seeds in a monocotyledon can be two. It is false, as the number is always one.

The thing with such True or false questions is to first look at the stronger condition. Here the false statement is strong: it rules out 0 and 2 as solutions (cannot be). Comparatively the true statement is vague (can be 0 or 2, can be 1, can be infinity). Use the law of elimination: since the false statement is wrong, true has to be the correct answer.

Finally, as this page shows, an SSA triangle can have 0, 1 or 2 solutions based on the length of the sides and the angles. So mathematically the correct answer for the question is TRUE. (That was one for math.SE.)

As mgb observes, "Zero or two solutions" suggests that there can be only zero or two solutions.

Since there can be zero, one or two solutions, the question is ambiguous - since (as phrased) it implies that one solution is not a viable option (which is false), but states that "zero or two solutions" are viable options (which is true).