How to stop an android device from being charged programmatically?

Reading previous answers, it looks like there's no way to do this exclusively in software. However, it should be relatively easy to do it with a little hardware help - i.e. by using any Bluetooth- or WiFi-enabled smart electrical switch with open API. The phone could then switch the charger on or off programmatically whenever it feels like it.

Is there an Android API for stop charging even though physically the charging is on?



android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system. Therefore you cannot duplicate or override the functionality.

You guys are all missing the point - the purpose of limiting charging is to increase battery lifespan by keeping it away from fully charged conditions (and near empty but that's a different issue). If you anticipate needing a full charge then tell it to charge to 100.

If you can't set a charge limit then the battery would rarely be idle and ideally charged when on the charger. It probably requires device level support though.