ERROR 1064 (42000): no such local index in manticore
I'm trying to connect to manticore
database using the official go-sdk. I use the docs instructions expect I've added a DROP
and a CREATE
statement in order to create testrt
index programmatically.
func FillManticore(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sess := session.Instance(r)
cl := manticore.NewClient()
cl.SetServer("localhost", 9312)
q := "DROP TABLE testrt"
res, err := cl.Sphinxql(q)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("create error:", q)
q = "CREATE TABLE testrt(id int, title text, content text, counter int)"
fmt.Println("create query is:", q)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(q)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("create error:", q)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(`replace into testrt values(1,'my subject', 'my content', 15)`)
fmt.Println(res, err)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(`replace into testrt values(2,'another subject', 'more content', 15)`)
fmt.Println(res, err)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(`replace into testrt values(5,'again subject', 'one more content', 10)`)
fmt.Println(res, err)
res2, err2 := cl.Query("subject", "testrt")
fmt.Println(res2, err2)
But I get:
[ERROR 1064 (42000): no such local index 'testrt'] <nil>
[ERROR 1064 (42000): no such local index 'testrt'] <nil>
[ERROR 1064 (42000): no such local index 'testrt'] <nil>
<nil> <nil>
The docs is really spare so I could not figure out what is wrong there with my code. So I appreciate your hints.
The wrong thing is that you can't add column named id
as there's one by default. If you try the same query directly with mysql client you'll get:
mysql> CREATE TABLE testrt(id int, title text, content text, counter int);
ERROR 1064 (42000): error adding index 'testrt': can not add multiple attributes with same name 'id'
Here's the fixed code:
cl := manticore.NewClient()
cl.SetServer("localhost", 9312)
q := "DROP TABLE testrt"
res, err := cl.Sphinxql(q)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("create error:", err)
q = "CREATE TABLE testrt(/*id int, */title text, content text, counter int)"
fmt.Println("create query is:", q)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(q)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("create error:", err)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(`replace into testrt values(1,'my subject', 'my content', 15)`)
fmt.Println(res, err)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(`replace into testrt values(2,'another subject', 'more content', 15)`)
fmt.Println(res, err)
res, err = cl.Sphinxql(`replace into testrt values(5,'again subject', 'one more content', 10)`)
fmt.Println(res, err)
res2, err2 := cl.Query("subject", "testrt")
fmt.Println(res2, err2)
which returns:
[Query OK, 0 rows affected]
[Query OK, 1 rows affected] <nil>
[Query OK, 1 rows affected] <nil>
[Query OK, 1 rows affected] <nil>
Status: ok
Query time: 0s
Total: 3
Total found: 3
counter: int
title: string
content: string
Doc: 1, Weight: 1, attrs: [15 my subject my content]
Doc: 2, Weight: 1, attrs: [15 another subject more content]
Doc: 5, Weight: 1, attrs: [10 again subject one more content]
Word stats:
'subject' (Docs:3, Hits:3)
The diff is:
< fmt.Println("create error:", q)
> fmt.Println("create error:", err)
< q = "CREATE TABLE testrt(id int, title text, content text, counter int)"
> q = "CREATE TABLE testrt(/*id int, */title text, content text, counter int)"
< fmt.Println("create error:", q)
> fmt.Println("create error:", err)
> fmt.Println(res)