Random number in long range, is this the way?

Can somebody verify this method. I need a long type number inside a range of two longs. I use the .NET Random.Next(min, max) function which return int's. Is my reasoning correct if I simply divide the long by 2, generate the random number and finally multiply it by 2 again? Or am I too enthusiastic... I understand that my random resolution will decrease but are there any other mistakes which will lead to no such a random number.

long min = st.MinimumTime.Ticks;    //long is Signed 64-bit integer
long max = st.MaximumTime.Ticks;
int minInt = (int) (min / 2);      //int is Signed 64-bit integer
int maxInt = (int) (max / 2);      //int is Signed 64-bit integer

Random random = new Random();
int randomInt = random.Next(minInt, maxInt);
long randomLong = (randomInt * 2);

Solution 1:

Why don't you just generate two random Int32 values and make one Int64 out of them?

long LongRandom(long min, long max, Random rand) {
    long result = rand.Next((Int32)(min >> 32), (Int32)(max >> 32));
    result = (result << 32);
    result = result | (long)rand.Next((Int32)min, (Int32)max);
    return result;

Sorry, I forgot to add boundaries the first time. Added min and max params. You can test it like that:

long r = LongRandom(100000000000000000, 100000000000000050, new Random());

Values of r will lie in the desired range.

EDIT: the implementation above is flawed. It's probably worth it to generate 4 16-bit integers rather than 2 32-bit ones to avoid signed-unsigned problems. But at this point the solution loses its elegancy, so I think it's best to stick with Random.NextBytes version:

long LongRandom(long min, long max, Random rand) {
    byte[] buf = new byte[8];
    long longRand = BitConverter.ToInt64(buf, 0);

    return (Math.Abs(longRand % (max - min)) + min);

It looks pretty well in terms of value distribution (judging by very simple tests I ran).

Solution 2:

Some other answers here have two issues: having a modulo bias, and failing to correctly handle values of max = long.MaxValue. (Martin's answer has neither problem, but his code is unreasonably slow with large ranges.)

The following code will fix all of those issues:

//Working with ulong so that modulo works correctly with values > long.MaxValue
ulong uRange = (ulong)(max - min);

//Prevent a modolo bias; see https://stackoverflow.com/a/10984975/238419
//for more information.
//In the worst case, the expected number of calls is 2 (though usually it's
//much closer to 1) so this loop doesn't really hurt performance at all.
ulong ulongRand;
    byte[] buf = new byte[8];
    ulongRand = (ulong)BitConverter.ToInt64(buf, 0);
} while (ulongRand > ulong.MaxValue - ((ulong.MaxValue % uRange) + 1) % uRange);

return (long)(ulongRand % uRange) + min;

The following fully-documented class can be dropped into your codebase to implement the above solution easily and brain-free. Like all code on Stackoverflow, it's licensed under CC-attribution, so you can feel free to use to use it for basically whatever you want.

using System;

namespace MyNamespace
    public static class RandomExtensionMethods
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random long from min (inclusive) to max (exclusive)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">The given random instance</param>
        /// <param name="min">The inclusive minimum bound</param>
        /// <param name="max">The exclusive maximum bound.  Must be greater than min</param>
        public static long NextLong(this Random random, long min, long max)
            if (max <= min)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("max", "max must be > min!");

            //Working with ulong so that modulo works correctly with values > long.MaxValue
            ulong uRange = (ulong)(max - min);

            //Prevent a modolo bias; see https://stackoverflow.com/a/10984975/238419
            //for more information.
            //In the worst case, the expected number of calls is 2 (though usually it's
            //much closer to 1) so this loop doesn't really hurt performance at all.
            ulong ulongRand;
                byte[] buf = new byte[8];
                ulongRand = (ulong)BitConverter.ToInt64(buf, 0);
            } while (ulongRand > ulong.MaxValue - ((ulong.MaxValue % uRange) + 1) % uRange);

            return (long)(ulongRand % uRange) + min;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random long from 0 (inclusive) to max (exclusive)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">The given random instance</param>
        /// <param name="max">The exclusive maximum bound.  Must be greater than 0</param>
        public static long NextLong(this Random random, long max)
            return random.NextLong(0, max);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random long over all possible values of long (except long.MaxValue, similar to
        /// random.Next())
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">The given random instance</param>
        public static long NextLong(this Random random)
            return random.NextLong(long.MinValue, long.MaxValue);


Random random = new Random();
long foobar = random.NextLong(0, 1234567890L);