Where are all the random dungeons?

Act I

Old Tristram Road

  • The Cave Under the Well
  • Damp Cellar
  • Dank Cellar
  • Mass Grave
  • Musty Cellar

Old Tristram

  • Dark Cellar
  • Quality Well (Easter egg dungeon)

The Weeping Hollow

  • Den of the Fallen

The Forsaken Cemetery

  • Development Hell (Super rare Easter egg dungeon, Final Boss awards Feat of Strength)
  • False Defiled Crypts

Fields of Misery

  • Decaying Crypt
  • House of Curios
  • Lost Mine
  • Scavenger's Den
  • Tinker's Hovel (Sheltered Cottage)
  • Pillaged Home (Sheltered Cottage)
  • Farmer's Cellar

Southern Highlands

  • Abandoned Servant House
  • Cave of the Moon Clan
  • The Lyceum
  • Watch Tower (used to be in the Northern Highlands)

Leoric's Hunting Grounds

  • Highlands Cave

Act II

Howling Plateau

  • Abandoned Mineworks
  • Fuad's Cellar
  • Sirocco Caverns

Black Canyon Mines

  • Blood Cellar
  • Deserted Cellar
  • Tunnels of the Rockworm (after defeating a unique rockworm inside a Deserted Cellar)

Stinging Winds

  • The Crumbling Vault (and Vault Treasure Room; timed)
  • Hadi's Claim Mine
  • The Ruins
  • Chamber of the Lost Idol
  • Abandoned Cellar


  • Alcarnus Cellar
  • Sandy Cellar
  • Town Cellar

Dahlgur Oasis

  • Ancient Cave
  • Flooded Cave
  • The Forgotten Ruins
  • Mysterious Cave (available after saving Zaven the Alchemist)
  • Old Fisherman's Cellar
  • Ransacked Cellar
  • Rotting Cellar
  • Storage Cellar
  • Storm Cellar
  • Swampy Cellar
  • Tomb of Khan Dakab
  • Tomb of Sardar

Desolate Sands

  • Cave of Burrowing Horror (after defeating a unique rockworm Shaitan the Broodmother)
  • Vile Cavern
  • The Veiled Treasure (Possibility of the Ancient Device)
  • The Fowl Lair (after having used the Ancient Device)


The Arreat Gate

  • Fortified Bunker
  • The Barracks

The Battlefields

  • Battlefield Stores
  • The Foundry
  • Cryder's Outpost
  • The Forward Barracks

Fields of Slaughter

  • Caverns of Frost
  • Icefall Caves

Rakkis Crossing

  • Bridge Stores
  • The Underbridge

Act IV

Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier

  • Blessed Chancel
  • Holy Sanctum
  • Radiant Chapel
  • Sacellum of Virtue

Act V

Westmarch Commons

  • Abandoned Cultist Stores
  • Contested Villa
  • Hall of Dark Arts
  • House of Deep Sorrow
  • House of Screams
  • Invaded House
  • Miser's Hovel
  • Old Smugglers' Warehouse
  • Plague Tunnels
  • Sorcerer's Room
  • Tustine's Brewery
  • Wynton Courtyard

Westmarch Heights

  • Alley of Embers
  • Burning Courtyard
  • Clyfton Hall
  • House of Corpses
  • Repository of Bones
  • Vermin Alley

Paths of the Drowned

  • Bogan Warren
  • Caverns of Luray
  • The Hunter's Den
  • Perilous Cave
  • Putrid Hovel
  • Winding Cave
  • Wretched Hole

Battlefields of Eternity

  • Ancient Ruins of Dholmour
  • Crumbling Bunker
  • Hideout of the Lost Legion
  • Infested Ruins
  • Occupied Ruins
  • Realm of the Banished