How to save a map[] as relation with GORM?

There is no way to do this out of the box with Gorm, but you could try to implement something like this with some hooks.

The strategy would be to represent the HasMany relationship as is standard, and then keep some unexported (thus hidden to Gorm) field which is the map:

type A struct {
    Bs      []*B
    bsAsMap map[uint]*B  

type B struct {
    AID       uint   
    SomeValue string

Note the lowercase b in bsAsMany means the field is unexported, so invisible to gorm. I used uint type keys as that's what gorm.Model uses. AID is the ID of A that has this B.

The AfterFind hook gets run after any operation that queries the entity from the database.

func (a *A) AfterFind(tx *gorm.DB) error {
    a.bsAsMap = make(map[uint]*B, len(a.Bs))
    for _, b := range a.Bs {
        a.bsAsMap[b.ID] = b
    return nil

You'll also want to use a BeforeSave hook in order to save any changes in the bsAsMap field to the Bs slice:

func (a *A) BeforeSave(tx *gorm.DB) error {
    a.Bs = make([]*B, 0, len(a.bsAsMap))
    for _, b := range a.bsAsMap {
        a.Bs = append(a.Bs, b)
    return nil

This means that bsAsMap becomes the source of truth for the relationship from the point of view of your app code and any changes to Bs will be undone on save. Because bsAsMap is an unexported field, you won't be able to access it in other packages, but you can overcome that by adding accessor methods like GetB(id uint) *B and SetB(*B).