Intermittent apt-get install issues when creating an AMI using Packer
Most likely, you ran into a race condition with cloud-init. This packer issue gives some insights, and I have tried the following suggestion given by the OP with success:
echo "waiting 180 seconds for cloud-init to update /etc/apt/sources.list"
timeout 180 /bin/bash -c \
'until stat /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished 2>/dev/null; do echo waiting ...; sleep 1; done'
In my case prepending the text /usr/bin/cloud-init status --wait &&
to the execute_command
guy solved the issue,
json file:
"provisioners" : [
"type" : "shell",
"script" : "./",
"execute_command" : "/usr/bin/cloud-init status --wait && \
sudo -E -S sh '{{ .Path }}'"