Other meanings for "punctual" besides "on time"

Solution 1:

The other meanings are rarely used.

A search for punctual in the COCA brings 217 results. Out of the first 30 results, only in 2 or 3 the meaning is not "on time". The other meanings are (from the Webster's 1913 Dictionary) :

  • Consisting in a point; limited to a point; unextended.
  • Observant of nice points; punctilious; precise.

The author of the post in Server Fault probably meant that the solution that he had used only applied to a particular problem (a particular script) and that he was looking for a more generic solution.

Solution 2:

I was wondering whether the person asking the question meant 'perfunctory' or perhaps 'pedantic', but those don't quite work in the context. I think the choice of adjective is dubious by someone who self-confessedly is not a native English speaker. Finding the right word to replace 'punctual' is tricky. The trick described as a 'punctual solution' is an effective hack; it is also slightly messy because it requires changes.