Deno import maps and lock file

Solution 1:

You cannot directly generate a lock file based on an import map yet. But you can pass the entry file of your program along with the import map to generate a lock file.

Here's an example.


import { green } from "colors";
console.log(`Status: ${green("OK")}`);

deps.json (import map):

  "imports": {
    "colors": "[email protected]/fmt/colors.ts"

Now run the following command to generate a lock file.

deno cache --import-map=deps.json --unstable --lock=lock.json --lock-write log.ts

The content of lock.json might look like below.

  "[email protected]/fmt/colors.ts": "db22b314a2ae9430ae7460ce005e0a7130e23ae1c999157e3bb77cf55800f7e4"