Where can I download an offline installer of Cygwin?

I need an offline installer with most of the utilities commonly needed. Somehow the default installer confuses me with all its package selection. I installed Cygwin but I can't find the diff utility after the installation.

Solution 1:

Here are instructions assuming you want to install Cygwin on a computer with no Internet connection. I assume that you have access to another computer with an Internet connection. Start on the connected computer:

  • Get the Cygwin install program ("setup.exe"). Direct download URL: x86 or x86_64.

  • When the setup asks "Choose a download source", choose Download Without Installing

  • Go through the rest of the setup (choose download directory, mirrors, software packages you want, etc)

  • Now you have a Cygwin repository right there on your hard disk. Copy this directory, along with the "setup.exe" program, over to your target computer (it does not need to be on a network).

  • On the target computer, run "setup.exe"

  • When the setup asks "Choose a download source", choose Install From Local Directory

  • Complete setup as usual. No Internet access is required.

Solution 2:

  1. Pick a mirror server closest to you from http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html

Choose any FTP or HTTP mirror.

  1. Download the whole mirror maintaining exact file tree structure of the cygwin directory in the mirror.

    Edit: How to download the whole mirror?

    wget -m <ftp-mirror-url>
  2. Execute setup.exe & choose source as local directory and browse to the release directory.

Now you have the Offline Cygwin Installer.

Update: Use Babun. It's based on cygwin and more user friendly. Get Babun

Update 2: Use cmder with git for windows.