How do you change host management credentials for a cluster in System Center Virtual Machine Manager?

How do you change the Host Management Credentials in System Center Virtual Machine Manager for servers in a cluster?

If I right click on the server and go to properties I can see the Run As account under the Host Access section. But the box to select a different account is grayed out.

If I right click on the cluster and go to properties, there is no Host Access section.

This change can be done from the PowerShell command window.

  1. In the ribbon inside VMM click the PowerShell button

  2. Run the command $YourCluster = Get-SCVMHostCluster -Name YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME replacing YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME with the name of your cluster.

  3. Run the command $YourRunAs = Get-SCRunAsAccount -Name "YOURRUNASACCOUNT" replacing YOURRUNASACCOUNT with the name of the run as account inside of VMM. This could be different than the actual account name
  4. Type $YourCluster and and hit enter to make sure that the variable contains the right cluster. Do the same for $YourRunAs.
  5. Run Set-SCVmHostCluster -VMHostCluster $YourCluster -VMHostManagementCredential $YourRunAs

It can take a minute to run, but afterwards your hosts in the cluster will be managed with the new Run As account. You can right click on any host and go to properties > Host Access to verify.