how can i install new themes on Xubuntu?

I want to install this but i have no idea how to do it. Can anyone give me a sep-by-step please?

1. Download X-Aero theme

Open your terminal and run following command :


2. Extract the theme

cd Downloads/ && unzip

3. Copy all theme folder to /usr/share/themes

First, open Thunar as root :

gksudo thunar

Select all X-Aero theme folder in Downloads/ Directory

enter image description here

Paste it to /usr/share/themes directory.

4. Open your theme setting

Go to Setting --> Appearance and you'll see many themes with X-Aeros name, click on one of them.

I see they only offer a tar.gz file now, for which the accepted steps don't work. This worked for me, select all lines and shift+insert paste it into your terminal:

cd ~/Downloads
wget -N
cd /usr/share/themes
sudo tar -xzf ~/Downloads/170901-X-Aero.tar.gz
sudo chmod -R 755 X-Aero*
sudo chmod -R 644 X-Aero*/xfwm4/*

That will download any newer version and fix the permissions. You will manually have to go to Settings, Window Manager to select one of the X-Areo themes.