How to set Windows bootloader as default bootloader?

Solution 1:

Edit that file, from terminal run

 sudo gedit /etc/default/grub 

(file has comments to help you). Find that line and set Windows number (number of Windows line in Grub, starting from 0). In my case that will be


Then save file and close gedit. Run that command to update grub:

sudo update-grub 

Solution 2:

There is a programm for windows called easy bcd. Install it when running windows and the proceed a described in the following link:

how to use easy bcd

Nevertheless I think also the other answers are valid as the question was basically how to avoid that the sister is scared by grub to choose windows if necessary.

Solution 3:


Make Windows (ANY variant) the default Grub2 menu option.

Description: This sets Windows as the default boot option, and (with NO user action) the PC will auto-launch Windows on startup.


A. List your current menu items

sudo update-grub 

B. Edit setup file

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub 

Set the boot default to your Windows boot partition (eg.)

GRUB_DEFAULT=”Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1″

WARNING: Just setting 'GRUB_DEFAULT=n', will NOT work after kernel updates, etc.

(Save the file and close.)

C. Update grub settings

sudo update-grub 

Now, on boot, you will AUTOMATICALLY default to MS Windows.

PART 2: (Optional Extra)

Hide the Grub2 menu, and use the default menu option.

Description: This both hides the startup menu, and shortens the (usually 10 second) timeout. The PC will auto-launch whatever the default option is on startup.

NOTE: The user just needs to hold down the Shift key (on startup), to again see the Grub2 menu.


D. Edit setup file

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub 

Uncomment the line '#GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0', to look like:


(Save the file and close.)

E. Update grub settings

sudo update-grub 

Now, on boot, you will AUTOMATICALLY boot to the default menu option, UNLESS you hold down the Shift-key at boot time. Then the grub2 menu will re-appear.