How to get a list of sites in IIS 7.5 binded to a certain ssl certificate using command line

Solution 1:

I'm using the following PowerShell script to look at all certs on the box and for each try to find it in the IIS SSL bindings.

import-module WebAdministration

ls cert:\LocalMachine\my | select * | foreach {

  $found = $false
  $tp = $_.Thumbprint

  ls IIS:\SslBindings | Foreach {
    if ($_.Thumbprint -eq $tp)
      Write-Host "Used in $($_.IpAddress) $($_.Host)"
      $found = $true
  if ($found)
    Write-Host $tp -foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host $_.Subject -foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host $_.NotAfter -foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Not in use"
    Write-Host $tp -foregroundcolor red
    Write-Host $_.Subject -foregroundcolor red
    Write-Host $_.NotAfter -foregroundcolor red
  Write-Host "***************************************************************"