Given the curvature and torsion, find the curve

I need some help on the following problem:

Given that a curve $\mathbf r:I\to \Bbb R ^3$ has constant curvature $k(s)=k$, for all $s$, and constant torsion $\tau(s)=\tau$, for all $s$. Find the curve $\mathbf r$.

I only know that, according to the fundamental theorem, this curve exists and is unique. But, how practically find the parametric equation of the curve?


Hint: set $r=\kappa/(\kappa^2+\tau^2)$, $h=\tau/(\kappa^2+\tau^2)$. Let $s$ be the arc-length function of $\mathbf r$ with $s(t_0)=0$ and define $\phi(t)=s(t)/\sqrt{r^2+h^2}$. We want to construct an orthonormal basis ($a_1$, $a_2$, $a_3$) and a point $p_0$ such that $$\mathbf r(t)=p_0+r\bigl(\cos(t)a_1+\sin(t)a_2\bigr)+hta_3.$$

First show -- per differentiating twice -- that for $\tilde c=\mathbf r+rN$ there's a point $p_0$ and a vector $v\neq0$ such that $\tilde c(t)=p_0+s(t)\cdot v$. Now chose a suitable orthogonal basis $(a_1,a_2)$ for the orthogonal complement of $\boldsymbol Rv$ such that $\langle -N(t),a_1\rangle=\cos(\phi(t))$ and $\langle -N(t),a_2\rangle=\sin(\phi(t))$.