How do I make CMake output into a 'bin' dir?

I'm currently constructing a project with a plugin structure. I'm using CMake to compile the project. The plugins are compiled in separate directories. My problem is that CMake compiles and saves the binaries and plugins, dynamic libraries, in the directory structure of the source. How do I make CMake save the files in something like a ./bin directory?

As in Oleg's answer, I believe the correct variable to set is CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY. We use the following in our root CMakeLists.txt:


You can also specify the output directories on a per-target basis:

set_target_properties( targets...

In both cases you can append _[CONFIG] to the variable/property name to make the output directory apply to a specific configuration (the standard values for configuration are DEBUG, RELEASE, MINSIZEREL and RELWITHDEBINFO).

Use set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "/some/full/path/to/bin")

Use the EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH CMake variable to set the needed path. For details, refer to the online CMake documentation:

CMake 2.8.8 Documentation