How to remove the top and bottom space on textview of Android
Solution 1:
Try android:includeFontPadding="false"
to see if it helps. In my experience that will help a little bit, but there's no way of reducing the TextView dimensions to the exact pixel-perfect text size.
The only alternative, which may or may not give better results, is to cheat a bit and hard-wire the dimensions to match the text size, e.g. "24sp"
instead of "wrap_content"
for the height.
Solution 2:
I had the same problem. Attribute android:includeFontPadding="false"
does not work for me. I've solved this problem in this way:
public class TextViewWithoutPaddings extends TextView {
private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();
private final Rect mBounds = new Rect();
public TextViewWithoutPaddings(Context context) {
public TextViewWithoutPaddings(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public TextViewWithoutPaddings(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
protected void onDraw(@NonNull Canvas canvas) {
final String text = calculateTextParams();
final int left = mBounds.left;
final int bottom = mBounds.bottom;
canvas.drawText(text, -left, mBounds.bottom - bottom, mPaint);
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
setMeasuredDimension(mBounds.width() + 1, + 1);
private String calculateTextParams() {
final String text = getText().toString();
final int textLength = text.length();
mPaint.getTextBounds(text, 0, textLength, mBounds);
if (textLength == 0) {
mBounds.right = mBounds.left;
return text;
Solution 3:
is pretty good but it does not get it precisely. sometimes you want border line accuracy so you can figure it out yourself by applying negative margins:
try setting your bottom and top margins to a negative value.
something like this:
adjust the values accordingly.
Solution 4:
This is the code that saved our day. It was adapted using mono C# code from maksimko:
public class TopAlignedTextView extends TextView {
public TopAlignedTextView(Context context) {
/*This is where the magic happens*/
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
float offset = getTextSize() - getLineHeight();
canvas.translate(0, offset);
Still had to play around with textView.setIncludeFontPadding(false)
because we were aligning TextViews
with different font sizes.
Solution 5:
I faced the same problem. Here's a good answer: How to align the text to top of TextView?
But code is little unfinished and don't support all font sizes. Change the line
int additionalPadding = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 5, getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
int additionalPadding = getTextSize() - getLineHeight();
Complete C# code (mono) removes top offset:
public class TextControl : TextView {
public TextControl (Context context) : base (context)
SetIncludeFontPadding (false);
Gravity = GravityFlags.Top;
protected override void OnDraw (Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas)
if (base.Layout == null)
Paint.Color = new Android.Graphics.Color (CurrentTextColor);
Paint.DrawableState = GetDrawableState ();
canvas.Save ();
var offset = TextSize - LineHeight;
canvas.Translate (0, offset);
base.Layout.Draw (canvas);
canvas.Restore ();