How do I upload some file into Azure blob storage without writing my own program?
Solution 1:
Free tools:
- Visual Studio 2010 -- install Azure tools and you can find the blobs in the Server Explorer
- Cloud Berry Lab's CloudBerry Explorer for Azure Blob Storage
- ClumpsyLeaf CloudXplorer
- Azure Storage Explorer from CodePlex (try version 4 beta)
There was an old program called Azure Blob Explorer or something that no longer works with the new Azure SDK.
Out of these, I personally like CloudBerry Explorer the best.
Solution 2:
The easiest way is to use Azure Storage PowerShell. It provided many commands to manage your storage container/blob/table/queue.
For your mentioned case, you could use Set-AzureStorageBlobContent which could upload a local file into azure storage as a block blob or page blob.
Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container containerName -File .\filename -Blob blobname
For details, please refer to
Solution 3:
If you're looking for a tool to do so, may I suggest that you take a look at our tool Cloud Storage Studio ( It's a commercial tool for managing Windows Azure Storage and Hosted Service. You can also find a comprehensive list of Windows Azure Storage Management tools here:
Hope this helps.
Solution 4:
The StorageClient has this built into it. No need to write really anything:
var account = new CloudStorageAccount(creds, false);
var client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var blob = client.GetBlobReference("/somecontainer/");
//1MB seems to be a pretty good all purpose size
client.WriteBlockSizeInBytes = 1024;
//this sets # of parallel uploads for blocks
client.ParallelOperationThreadCount = 4; //normally set to one per CPU core
//this will break blobs up automatically after this size
client.SingleBlobUploadThresholdInBytes = 4096;
Solution 5:
I use Cyberduck to manage my blob storage.
It is free and very easy to use. It works with other cloud storage solutions as well.
I recently found this one as well: CloudXplorer
Hope it helps.