Express-Session not working in production/deployment

Express-Session is working in development environment, as it sets the "connect.sid" cookie in my browser. However, in production it's not storing the cookie, and instead of using the same session - it creates a new one every time. I believe that the issue would be fixed if I can somehow save third party cookies, as my app was deployed using Heroku. Lastly, I have also used express-cors to avoid the CORS issue (don't know if this has anything to do with the cookie issue). I have set {credentials: true} in cors, {withCredentials: true} in Axios, as well.

Solution 1:

Issue Solved! -> Add sameSite: 'none' Full Cookie config (express-session) for production:

cookie: { httpOnly: true, secure: true, maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 48, sameSite: 'none' }