should you install specific drivers from your motherboard / video card manufacturer, or let Windows do the job? [duplicate]

I have a computer which is working fine after a windows re-install. However, I did not install any drivers at all, they seem to have been installed via Windows Update.

Back then, I remember I had to download the latest drivers from the motherboard manufacturer, video-card manufacturer, etc. Is this still valid? Should I download the latest drivers from the manufacturers, or are the drivers available via Windows update enough?

I am running Windows 8.1.

Solution 1:

Bit of both. The 'standard' windows drivers are a good baseline, but in general, the drivers from the manufacturer tend to be more up to date. With things like video cards, these can make a huge difference. With other things, like printers, I'd go with the standard drivers, then upgrade if I need anything.

In general windows won't give you anything more than a functional baseline. This can be good (where the official drivers are bloated and it works anyway) or bad (where you need some new stuff). I tended to go with official drivers off the OEMs myself for most part for gaming rigs, and use default drivers with a few additions for general use systems.