Can't cast int to bool

Solution 1:

There's no need to cast:

bool result = intValue == 1;

From the docs:

The inclusion of bool makes it easier to write self-documenting code

a bool value is either true or false

1.2.1 Predefined Types (C#)

Solution 2:

int and bool can't be converted implicitly (in contrast to C++, for example).

It was a concious decision made by language designers in order to save code from errors when a number was used in a condition. Conditions need to take a boolean value explicitly.

It is not possible to write:

int foo = 10;

if(foo) {
  // Do something

Imagine if the developer wanted to compare foo with 20 but missed one equality sign:

if(foo = 20) {
  // Do something

The above code will compile and work - and the side-effects may not be very obvious.

Similar improvements were done to switch: you cannot fall from one case to the other - you need an explicit break or return.

Solution 3:

bool b = Convert.ToBoolean(0);

Will convert 0 and null to false and anything else to true.