Communicating with a running python daemon

Solution 1:

Yet another approach: use Pyro (Python remoting objects).

Pyro basically allows you to publish Python object instances as services that can be called remotely. I have used Pyro for the exact purpose you describe, and I found it to work very well.

By default, a Pyro server daemon accepts connections from everywhere. To limit this, either use a connection validator (see documentation), or supply host='' to the Daemon constructor to only listen for local connections.

Example code taken from the Pyro documentation:


import Pyro.core

class JokeGen(Pyro.core.ObjBase):
        def __init__(self):
        def joke(self, name):
                return "Sorry "+name+", I don't know any jokes."


print "The daemon runs on port:",daemon.port
print "The object's uri is:",uri



import Pyro.core

# you have to change the URI below to match your own host/port.
jokes = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI("PYROLOC://localhost:7766/jokegen")

print jokes.joke("Irmen")

Another similar project is RPyC. I have not tried RPyC.

Solution 2:

What about having it run an http server?

It seems crazy but running a simple web server for administrating your server requires just a few lines using

You can also consider creating a unix pipe.

Solution 3:

Use werkzeug and make your daemon include an HTTP-based WSGI server.

Your daemon has a collection of small WSGI apps to respond with status information.

Your client simply uses urllib2 to make POST or GET requests to localhost:somePort. Your client and server must agree on the port number (and the URL's).

This is very simple to implement and very scalable. Adding new commands is a trivial exercise.

Note that your daemon does not have to respond in HTML (that's often simple, though). Our daemons respond to the WSGI-requests with JSON-encoded status objects.

Solution 4:

I would use twisted with a named pipe or just open up a socket. Take a look at the echo server and client examples. You would need to modify the echo server to check for some string passed by the client and then respond with whatever requested info.

Because of Python's threading issues you are going to have trouble responding to information requests while simultaneously continuing to do whatever the daemon is meant to do anyways. Asynchronous techniques or forking another processes are your only real option.

Solution 5:

# your server

from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server
from twisted.internet import reactor

class MyServer(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):

    def xmlrpc_monitor(self, params):        
        return server_related_info

if __name__ == '__main__':
    r = MyServer()
    reactor.listenTCP(8080, Server.Site(r))

client can be written using xmlrpclib, check example code here.