Which clients accept DHCP option 42 to configure their NTP servers? [closed]

From what I can tell based on observations of my own OS X 10.8.5 machine, and the information in "Windows clients not using NTP server provided via DHCP," neither OS X nor Windows 7 are able to auto-configure their NTP servers. So, which DHCP clients do this by default, or after special configuration?

The ISC DHCP client (which is used in almost any Linux distribution) and its variants accept the NTP field. There isn't another well known/universal client that accepts this value.

If I have to guess about why OSX nor Windows supports this option, I would say is due the various flaws that the base DHCP protocol has, like no Authentification Method, since mal intentioned DHCP servers could change your systems clocks, etc. Also, there aren't lots of DHCP clients out there (I only know Windows and ISC-based clients), so that leave little (or no) options where to pick.

Maybe OS X allows you to install another DHCP client, Windows isn't so easy, but you could be sure that Linux does.

  • http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/1570721
  • http://althing.cs.dartmouth.edu/local/dhcp_flaws.html