pacemaker node is UNCLEAN (offline)

I am following the document for setting up a 2 node cluster in AWS. The two nodes have pacemaker installed and FW rules are enabled. When I run the pcs status command on both the nodes, I get the message that the other node is UNCLEAN (offline).

The two nodes that I have setup are ha1p and ha2p.


[root@ha1 log]# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false
Last updated: Wed Dec 24 21:30:44 2014
Last change: Wed Dec 24 21:27:44 2014
Stack: cman
Current DC: ha1p - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.11-97629de
2 Nodes configured
0 Resources configured

Node ha2p: UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ ha1p ]

Full list of resources:


[root@ha2 log]# pcs status
Cluster name: mycluster
WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false
Last updated: Wed Dec 24 21:30:44 2014
Last change: Wed Dec 24 21:27:44 2014
Stack: cman
Current DC: ha2p - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.11-97629de
2 Nodes configured
0 Resources configured

Node ha1p: UNCLEAN (offline)
Online: [ ha2p ]

Full list of resources:

Contents of /etc/cluster/cluster.conf is as below:

[root@ha1 log]# cat /etc/cluster/cluster.conf

<cluster config_version="9" name="mycluster">
    <clusternode name="ha1p" nodeid="1">
        <method name="pcmk-method">
          <device name="pcmk-redirect" port="ha1p"/>
    <clusternode name="ha2p" nodeid="2">
        <method name="pcmk-method">
          <device name="pcmk-redirect" port="ha2p"/>
  <cman expected_votes="1" two_node="1"/>
    <fencedevice agent="fence_pcmk" name="pcmk-redirect"/>

Any help would be much appreciated.

Yes, you need to make sure the hostname you are using in your cluster definition is NOT the hostname in the line in /etc/hosts.

So, my /etc/hosts looks like this:   cluster-node1 localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6     node1     node2

This happen because your cluster doesn't have full stonith configuration, In unclean state mean the cluster doesn't know the state of the node.

Maybe you can edit /etc/hosts file, and remove lines which contains and ::1 (lines that mentions localhost). I have this exact problem and I tried using this method, and solved the problem.