Split date into different columns for year, month and day

1) columns. We can use lubridate's year/month/day or chron's month.day.year:

1a) columns via lubridate

z <- zoo(1:1000, as.Date("1932-01-01") + 0:999)

tt <- time(z)
zz <- cbind(z, year = year(tt), month = month(tt), day = day(tt))

1b) columns via chron

z <- zoo(1:1000, as.Date("1932-01-01") + 0:999)

zz <- with(month.day.year(time(z)), zoo(cbind(z, day, month, year)))

2) aggregate. However, we do not really need to create columns in the first place. We can just use aggregate.zoo directly with the original zoo object, z, using lubridate or chron or just using yearmon from zoo depending on what it is that you want to do:

2a) aggregate using lubridate

z <- zoo(1:1000, as.Date("1932-01-01") + 0:999)

aggregate(z, day, mean)
aggregate(z, month, mean)
aggregate(z, year, mean)

2b) aggregate using chron

z <- zoo(1:1000, as.Date("1932-01-01") + 0:999)

mdy <- month.day.year(time(z))

aggregate(z, mdy$day, mean)
aggregate(z, mdy$month, mean)
aggregate(z, mdy$year, mean)

# or
ct <- as.chron(time(z))

aggregate(z, days(ct), mean)
aggregate(z, months(ct), mean)
aggregate(z, years(ct), mean)

# days(ct) and years(ct) can actually
# be shortened to just days and years within the above context
# (and that would work for months too except they would be out of order)
aggregate(z, days, mean)
aggregate(z, years, mean)

2c) aggregate using yearmon

If we wish to summarize each year/month rather than lumping all January months together, all February months together, etc. then we need neither chron nor lubridate but rather can use zoo's yearmon:

z <- zoo(1:1000, as.Date("1932-01-01") + 0:999)

aggregate(z, yearmon, mean)

dtstr <- as.character( index(CET))

CET$yr <- sapply(strsplit(dtstr, "-") , "[", 1)
CET$mon <- sapply(strsplit(dtstr, "-") , "[", 2)
CET$dt <- sapply(strsplit(dtstr, "-") , "[", 3)

You can try:

CET$year <- format(CET[,1], "%Y") # year
CET$month <- format(CET[,1], "%m") # month
CET$day <- format(CET[,1], "%d") # day