PuTTY new line not working properly
I have PuTTY hooked up to a serial port and am reading an output of an AVR.
I send print command like this:
printf("OCR1A: %d \n", OCR1A);
And PuTTY does go to the next line but does not reset the column. Shown here
How can I have PuTTY start the newline column at zero instead 1 + current cursor position?
Enable the "Implicit CR in every LF" option.
Putty Doesn't transmit \n
, regardless of option settings.
Using Tera Term (open source, windows or linux), you can easily terminate transmissions with \n
, \n\r
, \r
or Auto
I needed a carriage return as well as a new line character.
printf("Hello world\r\n");