PuTTY new line not working properly

I have PuTTY hooked up to a serial port and am reading an output of an AVR.

I send print command like this:

printf("OCR1A: %d \n", OCR1A);

And PuTTY does go to the next line but does not reset the column. Shown hereenter image description here

How can I have PuTTY start the newline column at zero instead 1 + current cursor position?

Enable the "Implicit CR in every LF" option.

Putty Doesn't transmit \n, regardless of option settings.

Using Tera Term (open source, windows or linux), you can easily terminate transmissions with \n, \n\r, \r or Auto.

I needed a carriage return as well as a new line character.

printf("Hello world\r\n");