Why doesn't VS Code auto update on macOS?

I have VS Code on Windows and macOS, on Windows it auto updates but on macOS it doesn't.

How do I get VS Code to auto update on macOS?

Solution 1:

VS Code on macOS will not auto update if it's running from a read-only folder.

If you downloaded and are running VS Code from your Downloads folder, which is read-only, it will not auto update.


When you've downloaded VS Code, drag the downloaded file to your applications directory and run it from there instead.

enter image description here

It will now auto update

Thanks to @gino mempin in the answer to my previous question for the inspiration How to turn on auto search on VS Code on macOs?

Solution 2:

I solved my problem with this command:

xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app

source: naveendhanaraj.wordpress.com