How to put a List in intent

I have a List in one of my activities and need to pass it to the next activity.

private List<Item> selectedData;  

I tried putting this in intent by :

intent.putExtra("selectedData", selectedData);  

But it is not working. What can be done?

Like howettl mentioned in a comment, if you make the object you are keeping in your list serializeable then it become very easy. Then you can put it in a Bundle which you can then put in the intent. Here is an example:

class ExampleClass implements Serializable {
    public String toString() {
        return "I am a class";

... */ Where you wanna create the activity /*

ExampleClass e = new ExampleClass();
ArrayList<ExampleClass> l = new ArrayList<>();
Intent i = new Intent();
Bundle b = new Bundle();
i.putExtra("LIST", b);

You have to instantiate the List to a concrete type first. List itself is an interface.

If you implement the Parcelable interface in your object then you can use the putParcelableArrayListExtra() method to add it to the Intent.

i think ur item should be parcelable. and you should use arraylist instead of list. then use intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra

This is what worked for me.

//first create the list to put objects
private ArrayList<ItemCreate> itemsList = new ArrayList<>();

//on the sender activity
     //add items to list where necessary also make sure the Class model ItemCreate implements Serializable

        Intent goToActivity = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
                        goToActivity.putExtra("ITEMS", itemsList);

    //then on second activity
    Intent i = getIntent();
            receivedItemsList = (ArrayList<ItemCreate>) i.getSerializableExtra("ITEMS");
            Log.d("Print Items Count", receivedItemsList.size()+"");
            for (Received item:
                 receivedItemList) {
                Log.d("Print Item name: ", item.getName() + "");

I hope it works for you too.