Forwarding Ports on Centos 7

I'm working on a CentOS 7 server and I'm trying to get JBoss to work the way I want it too. I'm running Java 8 and JBoss(wildly) 8. I have gotten those installed and working on the default ports, but I want to get JBoss to work on port 80. I know I can get it to work on port 80 if I run it as root, but I know that isn't a good idea and I don't want to run it as root any way.

I have tried forwarding port 80 to 8080, but I haven't gotten it to work. I think I'm missing a step, but I don't know what I'm missing.

I'm using firewall-cmd. I have opened up both ports (80 & 8080) and I have enable masquerading for public zone. I have also used this command to forward the port

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=80:proto=tcp:toport=8080.  

Any idea what I'm missing?

Solution 1:

I just found a way that made this possible for me:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=443:proto=tcp:toport=3001 --permanent