How can I dynamically set the position of view in Android?

Solution 1:

For anything below Honeycomb (API Level 11) you'll have to use setLayoutParams(...).

If you can limit your support to Honeycomb and up you can use the setX(...), setY(...), setLeft(...), setTop(...), etc.

Solution 2:

Yes, you can dynamically set the position of the view in Android. Likewise, you have an ImageView in LinearLayout of your XML file. So you can set its position through LayoutParams.But make sure to take LayoutParams according to the layout taken in your XML file. There are different LayoutParams according to the layout taken.

Here is the code to set:

    LayoutParams layoutParams=new LayoutParams(int width, int height);
    layoutParams.setMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);