How to convert embedded excel sheet to word table?

We receive word documents from clients that will sometime contains Embedded Excel Object(sheet) and we need to convert them to word table so that we can then import the documents in InDesign properly.

Importing the document directly in InDesign will unfortunately convert the table to images, but that not a solution because we need to be able to style them, thus why we need to convert them to word table first.

The solution we are currently using is to open the Embedded Excel Object, select its content and paste it over it. I wouldn't be surprise if there would be a simpler way of doing this, so this is why I'm turning to you guys.

Solution 1:

I usually copy the table from Embedded Excel Table as Word Table as follow:

  1. Double-click the Embedded Excel Table to edit.
  2. Adjust column width before copying to avoid numbers appears as ####.
  3. Select the table and copy (using Ctrl-C or via menu)
  4. Click outside Embedded Excel Table to end edit mode (in location where you will paste the copied table).
  5. Paste Special (Alt-E-S), select Formatted Text (RTF)