Fragments in Android 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.0. Is this possible?

You have to use the compatibility libraries provided by Google. Here's how you use Fragments on devices < 3.0

  • Open Eclipse
  • Window->Android SDK and AVD
  • Available Packages->Android Support package (install this)

Once installed, right click the Android project you want to add Fragment support for.

  • Build Path->Configure Build Path
  • Libraries tab
  • Add External JARs
  • Add the android-support-v4.jar (should be in the android downloads folder under extras/android/support/v4

Now you application supports Fragments. There are some key differences to using the compatibility package over using SDK 3.0+. For instance

  1. The activity classes that use fragments must extend FragmentActivity NOT Activity.
  2. instead of getFragmentManager() you have to use getSupportFragmentManager


Yes, fragments are supported from Android 1.6. For more information see: Compatibility Library.

In Eclipse Indigo, you can right click on the project --> Android Tools --> Add Support Library. Then, instead of using import for OS>3.0, use import;