How to play as Orochi in The King Of Fighters '97?

At first, I found a few hacked roms with all the chars (including orochi) unlocked when you first press start, but the power gauges are maxed out at all times, which doesn't seem fair. Then I found a page with a bunch of *.dat files that you can put in the kawaks cheats folder. I was lucky to have found it within a few hours, instead of a few days. But here it is:

So now you can play 3 Orochis in one team! LOL

From this page:

Fight as Orochi: Enable the Fight as Orochi Iori, Fight as Orochi Leona, and the Enable Orochi Band Team codes. Then, highlight regular Iori and press Left. The pointer will go to a blank location. However, the picture on the bottom left screen it will show Orochi. Then, press any button.

EDIT: I checked a few more sites, GameSpot and IGN state Orochi as a playable character in the PS1 and Saturn versions, and only in Practice mode and Versus mode on the PS1 version.

Comments to this YouTube video states he used the Kawaks cheat.dat to play as Orochi on the arcade version, but he doesn't specify how.