Flutter: List is deprecated? [duplicate]

After upgrading to the latest version of flutter, I get a deprecation warning for all my Lists.

List<MyClass> _files = List<MyClass>();
=>'List' is deprecated and shouldn't be used.

Unfortunately, it does not give a hint of what to replace it with. So what are we supposed to use instead now?

  • Dart SDK version: 2.12.0-141.0.dev
  • Flutter: Channel master, 1.25.0-9.0.pre.42

Ok found it, it's just how to instantiate it:

List<MyClass> _files = [];

Edit: maybe the most common ones, a bit more detailed according to the docs:

Fixed-length list of size 0

List<MyClass> _list = List<MyClass>.empty();

Growable list

List<MyClass> _list = [];
List<MyClass> _list = List<MyClass>.empty(growable: true);

Fixed length with predefined fill

int length = 3;
String fill = "test";
List<String> _list =  List<String>.filled(length ,fill , growable: true);
// => ["test", "test", "test"]

List with generate function

int length = 3;
MyClass myFun(int idx) => MyClass(id: idx);
List<MyClass> _list = List.generate(length, myFun, growable: true); 
// => [Instance of 'MyClass', Instance of 'MyClass', Instance of 'MyClass']

List<MyClass> myList = <MyClass>[];