Why are droid parts so rare? [closed]

I've been saving up all my credits to outfit some of my companions and I've noticed that droid parts seem to be really rare in the game.

Why is this? I thought that a crafting profession could make parts? At the moment I'm getting by using the mission reward items.

Solution 1:

The "Cybertech" ability can make droid parts. My guess is that you're finding fewer of these parts for sale because droids aren't playable, whereas most (all?) other companions overlap with the playable classes. They also seem to drop more rarely, presumably for the same reason, but it's anyone's guess as to BioWare's intentions here.

One good way to get parts (besides specializing in Cybertech yourself) would be to join a guild and request one of your guildmates with Cybertech to craft some for you.