Google Maps v3: check if point exists in polygon
Solution 1:
One algorithm to solve this is ray-casting. See an explanation here.
And you can find code implementing this for the Google Maps JS API V3 here.
Solution 2:
You can do this quite simply with Google maps geometry library.
First be sure to add the google maps geometry library.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
Then, define your polygon
var rightShoulderFront = new google.maps.Polygon({
paths: myCoordinates
rightShoulderFront .setMap(map);
I'm going to add an event listener to handle a 'click' event, but you can adapt to fit your needs
google.maps.event.addListener(rightShoulderFront , 'click', isWithinPoly);
Create a function to handle our click event an check if coordinate exists within polygon using Google's geometry library
/** @this {google.maps.Polygon} */
function isWithinPoly(event){
var isWithinPolygon = google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation(event.latLng, this);
Solution 3:
You have a very good example of containsLocation()
method in Google Maps API documentation.
Solution 4:
You should have a look about the Gmaps.js library. It has a quite simple method about geofence.
Solution 5:
The example and implementation do not take into account that a polygon can cross the 180 degrees boundary.
The implementation does take it into account (implicitly) in the bounding box check, but the polygon check fails.