Change DIV content using ajax, php and jQuery


function getSummary(id)

     type: "GET",
     url: 'Your URL',
     data: "id=" + id, // appears as $_GET['id'] @ your backend side
     success: function(data) {
           // data is ur summary



And add onclick event in your lists

<a onclick="getSummary('1')">View Text</a>
<div id="#summary">This text will be replaced when the onclick event (link is clicked) is triggered.</div>

You could achieve this quite easily with jQuery by registering for the click event of the anchors (with class="movie") and using the .load() method to send an AJAX request and replace the contents of the summary div:

$(function() {
    $('.movie').click(function() {

        // it's important to return false from the click
        // handler in order to cancel the default action
        // of the link which is to redirect to the url and
        // execute the AJAX request
        return false;