SQL Server: Top competitor with at least one full scoring submission

Here is the question context

Julia just finished conducting a coding contest, and she needs your help assembling the leaderboard! Write a query to print the respective hacker_id and name of hackers who achieved full scores for more than one challenge. Order your output in descending order by the total number of challenges in which the hacker earned a full score. If more than one hacker received full scores in same number of challenges, then sort them by ascending hacker_id.

My strategy is to join all tables as a big whole table and group by the data to meet the requirement.

However I get this error from my code:

Column 'Hackers.name' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause

SELECT H.hacker_id, H.name
FROM Hackers H
INNER JOIN CHALLENGES C ON H.hacker_id = C.hacker_id
INNER JOIN Submissions S ON S.Challenge_id = C.Challenge_id
INNER JOIN Difficulty D ON D.difficulty_level = C.difficulty_level      
WHERE S.score = D.score 
  AND C.difficulty_level = D.difficulty_level
-- Query can work before this line.
GROUP BY H.hacker_id 
HAVING COUNT(S.submission_id) > 1
ORDER BY COUNT(S.submission_id) DESC, H.hacker_id ASC

Group by both the hacker id and name

i made this query with another join road and worked fine

SELECT h.hacker_id , h.name
FROM submissions s
INNER JOIN hackers h on h.hacker_id = s.hacker_id
INNER JOIN challenges c on c.challenge_id = s.challenge_id
INNER JOIN difficulty d on d.difficulty_level = c.difficulty_level

WHERE s.score = d.score
AND c.difficulty_level = d.difficulty_level
GROUP BY h.hacker_id ,h.name
HAVING COUNT(s.submission_id) > 1
ORDER BY COUNT(s.submission_id) DESC, h.hacker_id ASC