"The operator can’t be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be null" error after migrating to Dart null-safety

Solution 1:

Dart engineer Erik Ernst says on GitHub:

Type promotion is only applicable to local variables. ... Promotion of an instance variable is not sound, because it could be overridden by a getter that runs a computation and returns a different object each time it is invoked. Cf. dart-lang/language#1188 for discussions about a mechanism which is similar to type promotion but based on dynamic checks, with some links to related discussions.

So local type promotion works:

  String myMethod(String? myString) {
    if (myString == null) {
      return '';
    return myString;

But instance variables don't promote. For that you need to manually tell Dart that you are sure that the instance variable isn't null in this case by using the ! operator:

class MyClass {
  String? _myString;
  String myMethod() {
    if (_myString == null) {
      return '';
    return _myString!;

Solution 2:

The Error:

Let's say, this is your code and you're doing a null check on the instance variable and still seeing an error:

class Foo {
  int? i = 0;

  double func() {
    if (i != null) return i.toDouble(); // <-- Error
    return -1;

The method 'toDouble' can't be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be 'null'.

The error you see in code like this is because Getters are not promoted to their non-nullable counterparts. Let's talk about the reason why.

Reason of the Error:

Let's say, there's a class Bar which extends Foo and override i variable and doesn't assign it any value (keeping it null):

class Bar extends Foo {
  int? i;

So, if you could do

print(Bar().func() * 2);

You would have run into a runtime null error, which is why getters type promotion is prohibited.


We need to cast away nullability from int?. There are generally 3 ways to do this (more ways include the use of as, is, etc)

  • Use local variable (Recommended)

    double bar() {
      var i = this.i; // <-- Use of local variable.
      if (i != null) return i.toDouble();
      return -1;
  • Use ?. with ??

    double bar() {
      return i?.toDouble() ?? -1; // Provide some default value.
  • Use Bang operator (!)

    You should only use this solution when you're 100% sure that the variable (i) will never be null.

    double bar() {
      return i!.toDouble(); // <-- Bang operator in play.