Checkbox in iOS application

I need to add checkbox controls to my form. I know that there is no such control in iOS SDK. How could I do this?

Solution 1:

this has been driving me mad too and I found a different solution that works well for me and avoids having to use images.

  1. Add a new label object to Interface Builder.
  2. Create an IBOutlet property in Xcode and connect it up to it. In the code below I've called it 'fullyPaid' as I want to know if someone has fully paid a sum of money.
  3. Add the 2 functions below. The 'touchesBegan' function checks if you touched somewhere inside the 'fullyPaid' label object and if so, it calls the 'togglePaidStatus' function. The 'togglePaidStatus' function sets up two strings which have the unicode characters representing an empty box (\u2610) and a checked box (\u2611) respectively. Then it compares what's currently in the 'fullyPaid' object and toggles it with the other string.

You might want to call the togglePaidStatus function in the viewDidLoad function to set it to an empty string initially.

Obviously you can add extra checks to prevent users toggling the checkbox if the label is not enabled, but that's not shown below.

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];   
    if (CGRectContainsPoint([fullyPaid frame], [touch locationInView:self.view]))
        [self togglePaidStatus];
-(void) togglePaidStatus
    NSString *untickedBoxStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"\u2610"];
    NSString *tickedBoxStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"\u2611"];   

    if ([fullyPaid.text isEqualToString:tickedBoxStr])
        fullyPaid.text = untickedBoxStr;
        fullyPaid.text = tickedBoxStr;

    [tickedBoxStr release];
    [untickedBoxStr release];

Solution 2:

Generally, you would use the UISwitch for checkbox-like functionality.

You could roll your own though by using an image control with two images (checked/unchecked) and switching the images when they touch the control/