Internet through wireless hotspot, intranet through wired network - can I use both at the same time?
Solution 1:
A default gateway means (simplistically) "If I don't have an explicit route for this network, send it to the default gateway".
It is the route that is taken by default. However, you can have specific routes for networks where you know how to get to them.
In your case, for any internet based destinations, which could be anything, you want to go via the hotspot, so your default gateway should be on the wifi interface.
The wired interface should not have a default gateway at all. We know the destinations we want to access via this interface, so we can add specific routes. The next hop on that network is, so for any networks we want to get to internally, we can have a specific route to get to them.
By the look of it, they use the 10.x.x.x network for everything. So you can go to cmd
and do:
route add mask
And remove the default gateway from this interface.
So what we are saying is "If the destination network is in the 10.x.x.x range, send the traffic to
out of the wired interface, otherwise send it to
out of the wireless interface."
falls into the network range, it will take the specific route added above.
Something like
does not fall into this range, and so will take the default route out of