iPhoto failed to download

After upgrading to Mountain Lion on my MacBook Pro, I noticed an update was available for iPhoto '11 (version 9.4) I went to App Store -> Updates and it downloaded and than hung. The message I received was

iPhoto failed to download - Use the Purchases page to try again

I tried going through Purchases and get the same message. I'm caught in the "loop" and don't know how to get out. Now there's a red letter message beside the UPDATE button that says "An error has occurred"...

How can I download this upgrade?

Solution 1:

I had the same problem with a bunch of Apple apps. I restarted my computer a few times and they eventually went through. It has to be an issue on Apple's end because I had the issue on a brand new retina MacBook Pro with 10.8.2, and I don't muck around with any system stuff.

Solution 2:

I had the same trouble with downloading iPhoto 9.4.1 on my iMac running Mountain Lion.

I kept getting download error and the red badge would not go away. I finally got the download to work by holding down the 'option' key and pressing the update button.